Products and objects are phenomena that shape and reproduce everyday life for the classes involved in the production process. Global commodity chains and marketing networks ensure that similar products are marketed and incorporated into everyday life in all countries and cities. These products can be products that bring about changes in the kitchen and food culture as well as in many different areas of life. In this study, the meanings of Air Fryers, which, although they are included in cooking technologies, bring about changes in food culture, recipes and cooking time with their features, will be examined for the working class and poor classes. Although Air Fryers have a history of a hundred years, their entry into our daily lives is limited to a little over ten years. The product has been analyzed in its commodity form and its cultural dimensions have been analyzed from a class perspective. The changes that Air Fryers have brought about in the daily food practices and food cultures of the working class and poor classes, and the meanings they attribute to the commodity within the class culture have been examined. In this exploratory study, auto ethnography and digital ethnography research methods were used. Within the scope of the digital ethnography research method, relevant content, and comments on TikTok were analyzed and turned into data. As a result of the study, it was concluded that Air Fryers are perceived as objects of desire for the working class and the poor, and that owning them is an indicator of economic and cultural capital for exit from habit uses. Although Air Fryers are marketed as a device that saves cooking time and provides convenience to individuals in working life with ready-made recipes, the main thing is to adapt the working class to the new conditions of the capitalist working order. These devices, which are part of the reproduction of labor power, are far from bringing about a global change in food culture, as they differ according to economic purchasing power, working hours and food culture according to country groups.
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