Publication Policy

Our journal is an open access, free of charge, international peer-reviewed e-journal.

The publications sent to the journal by the author are evaluated in terms of compliance with the journal template, similarity rate and suitability for the journal subject/scope at the pre-control stage. Editors can decide to accept or reject at this stage; In addition, the author can withdraw his publication at this stage.

The work, which passes the preliminary controls, is taken to the publication evaluation stage. The work is evaluated by at least 2 referees. As a result of the referee's evaluations, the owner of the work must make the necessary corrections within 15 days, and the author has the right not to make any corrections, provided that he shows a reason.

The work that makes the corrections given by the referee and receives positive feedback is included in the publication process. The work is re-examined by the editors and technical editors within the framework of grammar and spelling rules and is taken into layout processes for publication. At the last stage, the approval for publication is obtained from the owner of the work and sent for publication.

The first application of the author and the acceptance and publication process of the publication takes between 6-12 months.


The authors agree to waive the copyright of their work and transfer the rights of the accepted work to the Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy after the referee process. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy is the competent authority for the publication of the article. However, the following rights are reserved by the authors:

  • The right to reproduce the work, provided that it is not sold,
  • The right to use all or part of the work in the future works of the author (book, book chapter, etc.), provided that the journal is mentioned in the bibliography.
  • The right to use it on personal websites, provided that it indicates the work tag.

All published works are copyrighted by Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy. No copyright payments are made.

Names and email addresses on this journal site will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal; It will not be made available for any other purpose or use by other people.

Applications Not Accepted for Evaluation

Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy cannot publish studies that fall under the following restrictions:

It is a prerequisite that the studies submitted to the Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy for publication have not been published anywhere before or have not been sent to any publishing house for publication.

Particularly in studies with more than one author, the consent of all authors for the publication of the application may be requested in order for the application to be evaluated. Manuscripts without relevant permission documents will not be considered.

The responsibility for the copyright of all images used in the works belongs to the author. However, in order to be evaluated, the source information of the images within the scope of the study will be clearly stated, and if necessary, they will be added to the permission documents file.

It is the responsibility of the author who made the application to obtain the necessary permissions from all stakeholders regarding the publication applications produced from joint works that were previously carried out as a project or seminar.

Attention Authors

You should review your references and check their compliance with the spelling rules of our journal. Articles that are not edited in accordance with the spelling rules of our journal will be returned without being evaluated.

After making sure that you have formatted your article in accordance with the spelling rules of our journal, we kindly ask you to send it.

Studies based on measurement tools that are frequently used in the field and studies on subjects that have been studied extensively are rejected if they do not reveal a new orientation.

Up-to-dateness of data is given importance in all types of research. If 3 years or more have passed since the collection of research data, it is stated that the researches are out of date.

In the preliminary evaluation and subsequent processes, if the study does not comply with the writing rules of the journal and does not meet the general criteria, the author of the study is informed, with or without justification, that his work cannot be included in the referee evaluation process (or whatever the process is) with the decision of the Editorial Board.