Gastronomy is an important indicator of social changes and historical transformations. When the impact of social changes on gastronomy is examined, it is possible to see the profound effects of food culture on society. In this context, gastronomy and food culture play significant roles in the process of identity formation for individuals and in the interpretation of social change. In this study, changes in the field of gastronomy and their reflections in the present day were examined by reviewing the literature. People's eating habits have evolved from meeting basic needs to deeper factors such as psychological satisfaction, aesthetics, and self-realization. This evolution has led to the emergence of various culinary trends and the constant renewal of gastronomy. The evolving culinary trends indicate that humans are now inclined to eat not only to satisfy their hunger but also to fulfill psychological satisfaction, aesthetics, and self-realization. Gastronomy trends from the past to the present have played an important role in the change of societies. Gastronomy and food culture are important for shaping individuals' identities and determining the meaning of social change. Considering the dynamic nature of gastronomy, it can be said that production and consumption expectations may change in the future, and new culinary trends may emerge with the increasing influence of technology and science in the kitchen, continuing to impact societal changes.
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