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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • During the submission of the paper, I undertake to fill in all the names, titles, institutions, ORCID ID information and contact information of the all authors. I declare that I will upload this information as a separate file during the registration of the article to the system. *Justification: It is obligatory by TR Index to publish the ORCID ID information of all authors in the article.
  • I promise that the copyright agreement will be signed by the authors with a wet signature and uploaded during the registration of the article to the system.
  • In accordance with the TR Index Rules, it has been mandatory for the authors to send an Ethical Commission report or an equivalent official letter as of 2020 for studies requiring ethics committee approval. In case an ethics agreement is required for my study, I undertake that I will prepare and upload it during the registration of the article to the system.
  • The full text file, which does not contain any information about the authors, has been prepared as blinded to the referees and ready for submission.
  • In addition to the parts of the article, both Turkish and English titles, Turkish and English abstracts and keywords are also included in the full text file.

Author Guidelines

Instruction for authors

The authors are cordially invited to submit their articles online in Microsoft Office Word format with a cover letter to the Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition, and Gastronomy. The journal particularly regards scientific research in food science, food technology, food chemistry, food microbiology, food engineering, food quality control, nutrition&dietetics, food and beverage culture from ancient times to the present, new trends in gastronomy, gastronomy tourism and product development in gastronomy science. All manuscripts submitted for publication are evaluated by the editor-in-chief, editorial board, and reviewers. The journal publishes academic researches, review articles, technical notes and book reviews in English and Turkish. All articles are subjected to critical review by the reviewers. Authors must certify by submitting an article that the study is original and has not been simultaneously evaluated by other journals.

Manuscripts submitted to Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition, and Gastronomy should be in line with the following publiction policies and writing rules. The evaluation process is not started for articles that are not prepared in accordance with the publication principles and the writing rules.

  1. The article file uploaded by the authors to the system should not contain any information about the authors. Authors must prepare their names, titles, detailed institution information, e-mail addresses and ORCID IDs in a separate file and upload it to the system as a second file outside of the article file. Click to download the AUTHOR INFORMATION FORM.
  2. The COPYRIGHT FORM signed by all authors must also be added during the upload of the article files to the system. The review process will not be initiated for studies that are missing any of these 3 files and are not prepared properly.
  3. The manuscript language can be Turkish or English.
  4. Manuscripts should be prepared in two columns in accordance with the Article Template File.
  5. The text must be written by using standard Microsoft Office Word format. Margins should be 2.5 cm for all sides of the page.
  6. The total length of any manuscript submitted must not exceed 25 pages (A4).
  7. No footer, header or page numbers required.
  8. The manuscript, which does not show the names of the authors, must include the followings: Title, Abstract, Keywords under the abstract, Introduction, Main text, Conclusion, References and Appendix.
  9. The title of the manuscript should be written centered above the abstract, with only the first letters of the first word and proper names in capitals. The title should be Times New Roman, 12 points, and bold.
  10. At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English, expressing the subject in a short and concise manner and consisting of maximum 250 words.
  11. Keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 5 words should be given by leaving a blank line under the abstract. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman font, 9 points, with 1 line spacing. Abstract texts should be written 1 cm from the right and left, justified on both sides.
  12. The introduction, main text and conclusion should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 points, with 1.15 line spacing.
  13. Paragraph beginnings should not be made in the text of the article, and the paragraphs should be made clear by leaving 1 line (6ink) space (Paragraph-Indent and Spacing-Space-Before-0, After-6nk).
  14. Quotations that exceed a few sentences in the text should be written 1 cm inner on the left and right sides
  15. All tables, figures and graphics should be given a title (left-justified bold) and sequence numbers. The titles of tables and figures should be above the tables or figures, and the references to the tables or figures should be below them. All information in the table should be written in 9 points, with 1 line
  16. Footnotes (with their explanations) should be placed in the text on a separate page under the heading "Notes" in numerical order and Times New Roman, 9 points and placed behind the text.
  17. The works used in the articles should be stated in the REFERENCES section at the end of the text.
  18. At the end of the text, under the heading REFERENCES, the cited sources should be listed by surname. Hanging paragraph format should be applied for the bibliography (Paragraph-Indent and Spacing-Indent-Special-Hanging Paragraph in Office). In the bibliography, only the references in the article should be included and should be followed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author. References should be made according to the HARWARD REFERENCE TECHNIQUE.


SURNAME, First Letter of Your Name. (Year of Publication). The title of the book. Publication Place: Publisher, Edition, ISBN.



Editorial Books:

SURNAME, First Letter of Your Name. (Year of Publication). Section Name. In the Name of the Book. Ed(s): First Letter of the Name. Surname and First Letter. Last name. Section Page Numbers, Publication Place: Publisher, Edition, ISBN.

Translated Books:

SURNAME, First Letter of Your Name. (Year of Publication). The title of the book. Translator(s): First Letter. Surname and First Letter. Last name. Publication Place: Publisher, Edition, ISBN.


SURNAME, First Letter of Your Name. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. Journal Name. Volume(Issue), Page Numbers.


SURNAME, First Letter of Your Name. (Year of Publication). Name of the report. Name of the Conference. Date and Place of Conference, Place of Publication: Edition, Page Numbers


SURNAME, First Letter of Your Name. (Year of Publication). Thesis Name. Master's/PhD, Name of Institute

Institution / Organization Publications, Reports

COMPANY NAME. (Year of Publication). Name of the report. Ed(s) (if any): First Letter of the Name. Last name. Publication Number, Place of Publication: Publisher, Edition, ISBN (if any).

Newspaper and journal articles with unknown author

NEWSPAPER/JOURNAL NAME (Publication Year). Title of Article. Publication Date, Web Address (if applicable) Access Date (if applicable).

Internet pages:

SURNAME, First Letter of Your Name. (Year). Title [online], (Print). Publication Place. Web address: URL [Access Date: ].


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.