The purpose of this study is to produce and evaluate qualitatively, instant noodles from wheat, rice and mushroom flour blends. A composite flour of wheat and rice flours (90:10) was obtained as the best blends after a preliminary sensory evaluation and substituted with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 % mushroom flour coded as WRM1 (90:10), WRM2 (80:20), WRM3 (70:30), WRM4 (60:40), WRM5 (50:50) and commercial noodles (Indomie) served as the control. The formulated blends were used to produce instant noodles. The instant noodles were analysed for proximate composition, micronutrients (vitamin B1 , B2 and B3 , iron, potassium, and phosphorus) microbial quality, cooking characteristics, sensory qualities and functional properties of the flour blends using standard procedures. Results showed that mushroom flour increased the crude protein (9.49-15.39 %), ash (1.39-5.31 %), crude fiber (1.50-5.40 %), moisture content (7.92-14.48 %). It, however, decreased the fat (0.5-1.50 %) and carbohydrate content (58.42-77.45 %). Potassium and vitamin B3 were identified as the predominant micronutrients in the instant noodles samples and increased with level of mushroom addition. Sample WRM1 (90:10) with 10% mushroom flour had the highest mean for all sensory attributes (taste, colour, appearance, texture and overall acceptability) compared to other samples. The total viable count ranged from 4.3 x 102 (control) to 1.78 x 103 cfu/g in sample WRM4 (60:40). Thus, mushroom flour could be incorporated into instant noodles to obtain an acceptable product rich in dietary fiber, protein, ash, vitamin B3 and potassium but low in fat and carbohydrate.
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