Aim: Pressure sores are localized damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by pressure, friction, and/or a combination of these factors and usually occur on bony parts. In addition to external factors such as pressure, humidity, and friction, internal factors such as advanced age, malnutrition, decreased oral intake, edema/hypoalbuminemia, state of consciousness, decreased sensory perception, decreased mobilization, and incontinence play a vital role in the formation of pressure sores (Keller et al., 2002). Various scales, such as Norton, Braden, and Waterlow are used to evaluate patients at risk for pressure sores. It is argued that among these scales, Norton and Braden scales have the highest reliability (Magnan & Maklebus, 2009). Intensive care unit patients constitute one of the riskiest groups in terms of malnutrition and pressure sores. According to a recent systematic review, patients hospitalized in intensive care units have a high prevalence of malnutrition ranging
from 38% to 78% (Munoz et al., 2022), which leads to increased morbidity and mortality rates, longer hospital stays (Havens et al. et al., 2018; Mogensen et al., 2018; Osooli et al., 2019), and hospital-acquired pressure sores ranging from 12% to 24.5% (Chaboyer et al., 2018). Based on these reasons, this study aimed to investigate the incidence of pressure sores and risk factors that may be associated with pressure sores in patients hospitalized in intensive care units.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study of patients hospitalized in intensive care units of Mersin City Educational and Research Hospital, 200 patients aged 18-65 years, with an albumin value > 2.5 g/dL and a BMI value of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 were evaluated. Pregnant and lactating patients, patients not aged 18- 65 years, with BMI <18.5 kg/m2 and >25 kg/m2, and who did not accept to participate in the study were not included. In the study, the patients’ descriptive characteristics and anthropometric measurements (body weight, height, BMI values) were questioned. The APACHE II screening tests were used to assess the severity of their diseases, the Norton Pressure Sore Risk Assessment Scale was used to assess the risks of pressure sores, and the NRS2002 screening test was used to detect malnutrition conditions. In addition, the patients’ nutritional status and serum albumin values were monitored and recorded by the dietitian at daily visits for 30 days. Ethics committee approval was obtained from the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee of Toros University (Date: 25.09.2019 and #42), and verbal consent was obtained from the patients or their relatives. The data obtained in the study were evaluated using SPSS for Windows 22 software. Appropriate descriptive values are presented for qualitative and quantitative variables, and the conformity of the variables to normal distribution was examined using visual (histogram and probability graphs) and analytical methods (Kolmogorov-Smirnov/ShapiroWilk tests). The non parametric Wilcoxon test was used to determine the difference between two dependent groups and continuous variables. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney-U test was used between two independent groups and for continuous variables. Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis analysis was used for the three groups. The significance level for statistical analysis was accepted as 0.05.
Results: In this study, the rate of patients with highrisk nutritional status according to the NRS-2002 score in patients hospitalized in intensive care units was 58% (n=116). According to the Norton scale, the rate of patients with a high risk of developing pressure sores during admission to the intensive care unit was 62.5% (n=125). The mean APACHE II score was 13.94±7.47. It was found that 21.5% (n=43) of the patients had pressure sores during admission to the intensive care unit. Twenty percent (n=40) of the patients occurred pressure sores in the hospital. During the follow-up, 11% (n=22) of the patients died, and 89% (n=178) of the patients were discharged. There was no statistically significant difference between the mortality rates of patients without pressure sores, patients with pressure sores at admission, and patients who occurred pressure sores in the hospital (p>0.05). As expected, the patients’ Norton scale scores were higher in those with pressure sores at admission and those who developed pressure sores in the hospital compared to those without pressure sores (p<0.001). It was seen that the difference between the APACHE II (p<0.001) and NRS-2002 scores (p<0.001) and thepercentages of meeting the target energy (p<0.001) and protein (p<0.001) needs at the end of the followup according to the pressure sore status of the patients were statistically significant. In further analyses, the APACHE II and NRS-2002 scores of patients with pressure sores during admission (p<0.001) and those
who developed pressure sores in the hospital (p<0.001) were higher, and the percentages of meeting their targeted energy and protein needs at the end of followup were lower than those without pressure sores. It was observed that the initial serum albumin values of the patients with pressure sores during admission were <3 g/dL, and the serum albumin values of the patients who developed pressure sores in the hospital and this group were statistically decreased at the end of the follow-up compared to the admission values (p<0.001). Pressure sores are an important problem that increases both the burden of caregivers and the cost of care and significantly affects the mortality and morbidity rates by prolonging the hospital stay of intensive care patients. In order to evaluate this problem in a timely and accurate manner, it is crucial to identify risky patients with scales such as Norton that measure pressure sores, evaluate the patient’s nutrition and general condition, and monitor and initiate nutritional support treatments. In this study, it was observed that the following could be associated with pressure sore status: those at high risk of malnutrition according to NRS-2002 in intensive care unit patients, low serum albumin values evaluated during admission, and high APACHE II score, assessing the efficacy of nutritional support therapy and disease severity of the patients. There are also limitations of the study that should be acknowledged. The first of the limitations of the study is that it was designed as cross-sectional, and therefore generalizations cannot be made. Another limitation is the inclusion of patients, regardless of age and diagnosis, in the intensive care unit patients. For this reason, further randomized controlled studies are
needed to examine the relationship between pressure sores and nutritional status in intensive care unit patients.
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