Sensory profile and physicochemical composition of premixed and post mixed fruit wine from blends of pineapple and watermelon juice
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Anahtar Kelimeler

tropical fruits
total acidity
total soluble solid
alcohol content

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Ugo, A. I., Ifeoma, M.-N., Peter, U., & Chinwendu, O. D. (2022). Sensory profile and physicochemical composition of premixed and post mixed fruit wine from blends of pineapple and watermelon juice. Toros Üniversitesi Gıda, Beslenme Ve Gastronomi Dergisi, 1(1), 27–33.


Wines are mostly produced from grapes that are not grown in Nigeria, hence the need for alternative use of fruits for wine production. Tropical fruits have high perishability, thus, the production of wine from common fruits could help reduce the level of postharvest losses and increase the variety of wine. In the research. The wine samples were produced from juices that were blended before and after fermentation known as premixed; coded as PWp and post mixed; coded as PWs at the ratio of pineapple to watermelon as follows 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50, and fermented for 7 days at 28±2oC and aged for two weeks, bottled and corked. Physicochemical analysis and sensory evaluation were carried. Experimental design used was a split plot in Completely Randomized Design and data obtained were statistically analyzed. pH of both premixed and post mixed wine decreased as total acidity increased which may be due to yeast metabolism. Total soluble solid decreased in premixed wine due to the level of water melon added to pineapple wine increased; while increased in post mixed wine increased as level of watermelon added to the pineapple wine increased. Moisture content of the premixed and post mixed wines reduced. Post mixed wines were preferred and had higher scores in terms of taste, mouth feel and overall acceptability. Blending of pineapple and watermelon after fermentation in the ratio of 80:20 was the best in physicochemical examination.
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